We think that trades should not being considered just as a nationwide tradition only.

Deutsche Version
So we try to gaze across the border and over the fence watching crafts at work in other countries. Our trainees spent some weeks in England and France in order to get work experience abroad.

On the other hand apprentices from these and other countries came to Austria.

British flag

Trainees from the LBS Wals have been to England serveral times. See England 1 and England 2.

French flag

See "from France" and you will find a report about french apprentices who have been working in Austria.

On page"in France" you will see a report about our visit and work experience there.

Litaui flag

See from Lithuenia to find some information about a group of teachers who visited our school.

Outlook and planned activities for the next years:
Besides existing paths and connections exchange mobility projects are forseen with partners in Germany and in Slovenia.